Monday 13 August 2018

The Nature’s Beauty Kyrgyzstan

The country Kyrgyzstan is located on the continent of Asia. Neighbouring countries are: China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Kyrgyzstan is a nation of breathtaking beauty that very few travellers ever have the opportunity to explore. It is a nation known by its natural beauty, joyously unspoilt mountains capes and rolling jailoos. Nomadic culture is still alive. Families are seen moving to the high pastures in summer with their livestock. The country is still an upcoming tourist destination.

Things to do in Kyrgyzstan:

Celestial Mountain Scenery: Kyrgyzstan is a home to the magnificent Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai mountain ranges. Its dramatic scenery lives up to its pledge as the Land of Celestial Mountains. This place offers more than 200 trails for hikers and horseback riders. There is highest point in the country for climbers. Travelling by foot, bicycle or horseback can be arranged easily. In fact for mountainside travel most Kyrgyz still uses horses as the most effective mode of transportation. Take an ex soviet helicopter up the 7000m peaks of the celestial mountains and look down on the snow-capped tips.

Staying in a traditional Yurt: In summer they popup like mushrooms all over the country. All of them are family run, so you will have the unique experience to get in contact with the nomadic tradition. In recent years the Yurt camps have started to cater to the whims and wishes of western people, so it is actually getting harder to find one, where you still sleep and dine on the ground.

Bath in the hot springs in the Naryn Valley: there are hot springs all over Kyrgyzstan the springs of Alytn Arashan meaning Golden spa. It is enriched with radon which offers a therapeutic effect on the body. Naryn Valley offers beautiful crystal pools. Some of these hot springs became so popular that resorts have been built near them to accommodate many visitors.

Listen to Kyrgyz folk music and dance along: Music has always been a big part of a country’s culture. The traditional folk music in Kyrgyzstan is a symbol of the heritage. There are two styles in the Kyrgyz folk music, vocal and instrumental. Dances are traditionally performed at wedding and other joyful celebrations. One dance is particularly popular the Karo Jorgo. This dance is characterized by quick arm, elbow and wrist movements.

Ulak Tariysh is the Kyrgyz national game. It is similar to Pole. It is played by two teams of 6 riders each and one grizzly beheaded sheep carcass. There are special matches held on Independence Day that is 31st August. The Kyrgyz riders in action are unbelievable.

Odarysh is another national game in Kyrgyzstan. It is pretty much like wrestling only you do it on a horse back. The goal you have to know is throwing your opponent off the horse. Apart from these two games there are a couple of other games like Archery, Falconry, tug of war and quite a lot of other unique sports that are still practised throughout the nations.

Go on a hike or trek and camp a night in the mountains: Kyrgyzstan is a paradise for outdoor and adventure lovers. There are so many beautify treks in the country that you’ll need a lifetime to do them all. If you don’t love hiking that much, its worth to at least go on a day hike in the mountains and camp there for the night.

You can’t travel to a country and not taste some of the local cuisine. Since the country is engaged in breeding livestock, meat is a big part of the traditional and modern Kyrgyz cuisine, Most meal consist of mutton, beef and chicken meat served in dumplings noodles or rice or along with potatoes.

Kyrgyzstan is the kind of place where you can spend years uncovering new, unique facets around every turn.

from The Traveller

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