Thursday 19 August 2021

Tourism Ecstasy in San Blas Cusco, Peru!

Tourism Ecstasy in San Blas Cusco, Peru!

Tourism destinations should be overloaded with delights and San Blas Cusco is no exception to that. It’s regarded as one of the top destinations in Peru and a Must-Visit before setting off to the famed Machu Picchu.

Found below, are the top tourist spots among many in Cusco, once the Incan Capital.

1. Alpaca

The Furry Alpaca is the most loved and revered animal in all of Peru, Cusco included. The thick will which comes on it is quite expensive and adorned with colorful scarfs or threads. It’s not wise to be near it, even though you may find many on the streets for it is pre-owned. If you can spare 5 to ten Soles, a photo-op is a possibility which you can treasure for life.

2. Plaza de Armas

The plaza de Armas in Cusco should be right at the top of your priority list. The plaza is a Tourist Haven with thousands mingling either to eat or shop. The activities last through the night.

You will spot the Cusco cathedral, which has many paintings. The most famous of such paintings is the Guinea Pig, which is found at the very center of the Last Supper painting.

3. A Historic District

It is time to take a tour of the unseen and our real travel begins. Hatunrumiyoc is rightly called the Historic District, and it has twelve angled stones crafted into the Inca walls. It is one stone only and neither visitors nor locals can touch it.

4. The Sun God

The Inca’s considered Inti their Sun God as the most powerful and built a shrine which is located at Avenida El Sol which is in Cusco. After the Spanish invasion, the architecture became a mix of both Inca and Spanish. The temple is called Coricancha.

5. Inti Riyami Festivals.

If June finds you in Cusco, consider yourself lucky. Cusco is undergoing a colossal change as it prepares itself for the Inti Riyami which is the celebration of the Sun God. Tourists are welcomed by the locals as they jointly witness and celebrate the colorful festivities.

6. Breath-taking View

Just in case you are looking for an adrenaline-pumping experience in Cusco, try viewing the Mirador de San Cristóbal, Plaza Santa de Santa Ana, and the Mirador de San Blas and be delighted with the panoramic view of the city below amidst the Andes Mountains. The access to the view is easy as it lies just a few kilometers from the main plaza. If this is not enough to satisfy you, prepare for a picnic. You may have to go to a high altitude and reach Qenko to access more breathtaking views.

7.San Pedro Market

A ten-minute walk is all that it takes to reach the Andean market, also popularly known as the San Pedro Market. The transformation you will undergo is nothing new as you enter the gates of the market.

They call it the Old Cusco life and the aroma catches your nostrils. It could be sheep blood oranges. The popularity of this market is compared to the visit to Machu Picchu. You can shop for anything you want and there are thousands to cater to your belly needs.

In case you’ve decided to visit it early in the morning hoping to avoid the real crowd, you are in for s surprise. The crowd is huge at any point of the day. Drink the freshest of juices or try the Soup made out of a Sheep’s head for breakfast. It’s a different and unique adventure, that’s all!

8. Muse ode ARTE Pre colombino:

Located in Cusco, it is situated in the San Blas District. The pre- Colombian museum has more than 450 artifacts that have been collected and gathered from their earlier place of safekeeping.

9. Planetarium Cusco:

They have their own planetarium in Cusco and their own way of interpreting the skies. There are briefings given to visitors, but the main event is star-gazing; provided the weather is conducive.

10. The Irish Pub:

A two-minute walk from the Central Plaza is the Paddy’s Irish Bar ‘. Many would vouch that the bar transports you to Ireland as it is loaded with Irish favorites. Soccer games on large TV screens with beer flowing on all cups are almost an everyday scene at ‘Paddy.’ It is the right break for the tourists who have been binging on Peruvian food to taste Western food.

11. The rare bean bar Chocolate Workshop

You may have had experiences of a different kind touring Cusco. Other rare experiences await you as in the bean to bar workshop and witness the conversion of the bean to chocolate bar. You can taste all the samples provided you have a sweet tooth.

from The Traveller

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Saturday 27 March 2021

Belgium Food- Savory and Delicious All The Way

Belgium Food- Savory and Delicious All The Way
Belgium is considered one the top tourist attractions not only in Europe but in the entire world. They have everything for a tourist to roam around and gaze in excitement. The most significant concern for a tourist is food. Belgium comes out with flying colours with its Belgium food, which is considered the most delicious apart from their beer and drinks, which is always a part of the meal. In other words, Belgian food has French quality and is served in German quantity, which is overwhelming.

10 Best Belgium Food to Try

Found below are their top ten food cuisines which are not only popular but also tasty!

  1. Belgian fries

Belgium Fries

When one talks about ‘ Fries,’ it is pretty natural to attach a prefix to it and call it ‘ French Fries.’ But the truth is different from the myth. Certain strange co-incidences lead to this belief. American soldiers in WW1 were stationed in Belgium, but they thought they were in France. Moreover, French was a common language spoken in Belgium. 

They tasted the delicacy and called it French Fries, and that is a Belgium fact! The French started their Fries almost a century later. Belgian fries differ from the recipe of the French. The fries should not be soft, not unfrozen before frying. 

The potatoes are fried twice to make them one cm thick. In Belgium, they serve it with a sauce that has also become the practice worldwide. It is considered the tastiest side dish, and it’s added to UNESCO’s list of cultural dishes since 2014. Would it be surprising if someone told you that a museum is dedicated to ‘Belgian Fries’? Do visit the ‘Friet Museum ‘ in Bruges, Belgium to know more.

  1. Belgium Chocolate

belgian chocolate

Belgian traditions ring in yet another delicacy, and that’s Belgian chocolate. There is nothing weird about chocolate makers worldwide making them and paste a label ‘ Belgian Chocolate’ around it. The point is, imitations are imitations, and you taste this gourmet in Belgium.

 In a country filled with chocolatiers, how can anyone possibly choose one? You order coffee or tea; you would receive a few Belgian chocolates with it, and that is a Belgian food fact.

  1. Grey shrimp Croquettes

You can do your best to avoid Grey Shrimp Croquettes which is pure Belgium food but you are sure to fail. They are such a delicacy, and they can be found in every seafood restaurant in Belgium. You need not order for them as they are included in the menu, and these crustaceans arrive in a small bowl for you to snack on. 

The shrimps, which are grey, are harvested by fisherman who travels by horseback. Croquettes made from scratch have an exterior that can be crispy.

  1. Carbonade flamand eor stoofvlees

A steak and an ale stew, Sweet & Sour, has a typical recipe but many variations. The variations exist because families hand it over to their immediate generation, and that generation is doing the same. These Belgium food recipes do have certain ingredients in common like

  • Bread
  • Bacon
  • Shallots
  • Carrots and mushrooms
  • Red wine and perhaps a pinch of dark chocolate too!

To keep the meat tender and the flavor intact, the cooking process is deliberately kept slow after marinating them. 

 To enhance the taste of Carbonade Flamand eor stoofvlees, it’s best to have it with French Fries, noodles, and vegetable salads with a mug filled with beer.

  1. Sole meunière

Fish dishes are plenty in Belgium, but only a few can be called classic like the Sole meunière. ‘Meunier’ means ‘ Miller’s wife,’ and this refers to the process. The fish is dipped in seasoned flour and then fried using a pan containing minimum butter. 

As per tradition, it has to be a brown butter sauce and to obtain that rich taste, lemon juice and chopped parsley are added. The Belgians and the French make it tastier by adding a few potatoes or boiled Frites as Belgian desserts.

  1. Chicon Au Gratin

Some of the more popular Food like Chicon au gratin can be found in every nook and corner of the streets but not in the a-la-carte of a restaurant. The Endive is a vegetable leaf, and a Flemish specialty is a key ingredient. 

Generally, the Endive can be found in appetizers, soups, etc. To make up the dish, prime boiled ham acts combined with leafy vegetables and the regional cheese. It gets served with mashed potatoes. It would be noteworthy to mention that the Endives that are being sold in the USA are imported by Belgium only.

  1. Filet Americain

You can order a Filet Americain in Belgium and react with a shock to see cold and seasoned raw minced beef served in place of a juicy steak for this is the Belgium food version. Lean seasonings are added to the steak to enhance its flavors. The various seasonings are done with

  • Mustard
  • Ketch- up
  • salt
  • Pepper
  • Egg yolk
  • Picked union.

There are two ways one can enjoy the Filet Americain. The first option is to spread it evenly on toasted bread. The second is to eat it as part of the main course with pickles and Frites accompanying it. When this dish is ordered in a Belgium restaurant, you can witness it near your table and choose one of the two options above.

  1. Moules Frites

Moules Frites

Ask any Belgian to name a famous Belgiam food specialty! Also, ask them if they have not had Moules Frites recently. The answer would be ‘ No’! The fact is that 30 million tons of Moules Frites get consumed every year in Belgium.

 In other words, that’s an average of 3 kgs per Belgian per year. There are many ways to cook and consume these. Some cook them in white wine, and some use parsley or butter. A few skip the wine and prefer the Belgian drinks, say a beer with a dash of cream and vegetable stock added to it. 

It was in 1781 that they combined mussels and Frites in a dish. The Frites are fried twice to retain their crispness. Since its availability is everywhere, neither can you avoid them nor should you try avoiding them; A Belgium visit is considered incomplete without them.

  1. Stoemp

With Potatoes dominating the mix of vegetables, all are mashed up together. The other vegetables included in this Belgian food are

  • Kale
  • Endive
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Spinach
  • Many Greens.
  • Turnips
  • Spinach.

It would not be a bad idea to add milk/cream to this mix.

  1. Paling In’t Green

A dish which can become more enjoyable provided you have some bread and Frites alongside it. Paling In’t Groen is a dish celebrated through a long passage of time by the Belgian Dutch (Flemish). The green sauce has eels in it which is the exact translation of Paling In’t Groen. 

Going by Belgium Traditions, these were eels caught in the River Scheldt which flowed in-between Dendermonde and the port city of Belgium Antwerp. The green herbs that went into the mix in the olden days were found in the riverbank. With the passage of time, a sauce created with a planned bunch of herbs that include

  • Chervil
  • Mint,
  • Sorrel,
  • Watercress,
  • Parsley
  • Thyme.

The secret is making the sauce is that it should be made after everything else is set up. The reason is that the vibrant color disappears quickly. 


Frequently asked questions


Belgium Food

  • Is Belgiam Food good?

There is no doubt that Belgian food happens to be the closest to their heart for many. Chocolate, waffles, Belgium fries are the tastiest, and when they coupled with Belgian desserts, it’s the most delectable combination. Belgian drinks are always a part of the meal. 

  • What is a typical Belgian breakfast?

The typical Belgian early morning breakfast is similar to its neighboring country, the Netherlands. It is a Belgian food fact that they do not eat their most famous Belgian food, waffles a snack available in tourist areas of their large cities traditionally. As per Belgium traditions, breakfast consists of loaves of bread that may be toasted/untoasted, with many marmalades with various jams and chocolate. Standard toppings include cheese and sliced meats. On Sundays, it’s a different breakfast altogether with croissants and Pastries, but repeats are avoided strictly.

  • What is Belgium famous for?

Apart from the fact that Belgium is famous for its food, it’s one of the European countries packed with tourist attractions. They are preserved perfectly, and some are many centuries old, which narrate the cultural heritage of Belgium and its cities. Some are:

  1. Grand Place, Brussels
  2. The Canals and Belfry of Bruges
  3. The Battlefields of Flanders
  4. Ghent’s Gravensteen and Old Town
  5. Horta Museum and Town Houses
  6. Cathedral of Saint Bavo, Ghent
  7. Basilica of the Holy Blood, Bruges
  8. Grand Place Antwerp
  • What are Belgium Famous food ?
  • Belgian Fries
  • Moules-Frites
  • Stoemp
  • Grey shrimp Croquettes
  • Speculaas
  • Belgian Waffles
  • Waterzooi
  • Belgian Chocolates
  • Tomates aux Crevettes Grises
  • Sirop de Liege


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Saturday 6 February 2021

February Extravaganza in the Nordic Land of Iceland

Iceland in February


A genuinely mysterious country. A country with a name that indicates their weather. A country in a remote corner of this world. A country that has significantly less population. And a country we all want to visit and enjoy its scenic spots. A country called Iceland.

It is a million-dollar question on what could be the best time to visit this Nordic Island State. None want to miss any of that fantastic sightseeing which has been narrated a thousand times. Found below are specific descriptions of the weather in Iceland throughout the year.

Best Time to Visit Iceland

December to February:

It is very chilly and temperature at -30 degrees C. Best to avoid.

February to March:

It’s Equinox time, and the Northern Lights put up a fantastic display. It does the same between September and October. The question is, which month is ideal if you consider the full package?

November to January:

Daylight is scarce, and the Aurora never appears. Best to avoid these months.

June – July:

Iceland becomes the land of the midnight sun, thus disallowing sleep. Best to avoid.


Snow and ice and makes driving difficult. Best to avoid.

February – March:

Apart from the magic spectacle of the Aurora’s, the Orcas also swim in these waters. You can be a boat to capture this wildlife moment, which is also rare.

The Verdict:

From the above, it is clear that Iceland in February is the perfect month to visit it. Thermal gear is a necessity. In the passages found below, more clarity is made available to strengthen the case for a visit to Iceland in February.

February weather in Iceland:

Snow does cover the mountain peaks. The weather does start getting warmer in the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik.

The Sun does arise late at 10.20 am. Unlike other seasons, it allows seven hours of good daylight, which is enough to cover the scenic spots. The temperature would range between – 2 degrees C and 3 degrees C. It is bound to grow warmer as days pass by. Therefore, it is bound to be cold, but daylight does exist in Iceland in February.

Things to do In Iceland in February


Hire a local guide or befriend a local to walk you through one of the best food experiences on offer. The walkthrough would take three hours to get to know local history and visit the best food restaurants.

Imagine tasting Icelandic Icecream in a cold country and wanting more. The famous Icelandic Hot- dog and cheese are on your menu too. Lamb soups and freshwater caught fish for the day fill up your stomach with delight. Exploring Reykjavik cannot be done in a better way than the food walk.


Exploring Sólheimajökull Glacier that belongs to the imposing icecap of Mýrdalsjökull that is located on Iceland’s south coast. It’s hardly 100 miles from Reykjavik and easy to climb a glacier. Sólheimajökull is all the way impressive as it descends from Mýrdalsjökull.

Mýrdalsjökull, by the way, has covered up an infamous volcano called Katla, and you should realize that you are on top of it, protected by the thick layer of ice. Sólheimajökull is just a few km off the ring road, which encircles Iceland.

From here, you can make your way to the magical twin waterfalls called Skógafoss and Seljalandsfoss, which are frozen in February. Yet, it is magic, as you see the Waterfall to Earth, but it’s in a frozen state.


Iceland is proud of its horses. They protect them in ranches as these horses are unique to Iceland. They are not allowed to breed with the other kind, and they have survived more than 1000 years. The fur automatically grows on them during winter, and they do look lovely. Horse-riding is part of the tour, so enjoy these pony rides.

4. The Golden Circle:

Golden Circle is a term that pops up too often when someone discusses tourism. It’s a must-see and is a combination of three spots. You would first visit the Gullfoss Waterfalls is a two-tiered massive waterfall. In February, the waters appear frozen, and the ice glistens. In summer, this Waterfall is the mightiest and has strong currents.

Next are the Geysers—an area of Hot springs. The site has mud pits that are boiling all the time, which causes the Geysers to explode into the air up to 100 feet. The activity occurs every few minutes and is considered one of the most visited spots in Iceland.

The last stop would be the National Park of Iceland, Þingvellir. This is a place where nature resides. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site, and you can do the following there:

  • Go Snorkeling at Silfra
  • Marvel at the Langjökull Glacier.
  • Walk along the Þingvallavatn, which happens to be the largest lake in Iceland.
  • Go for a hike in the Almannagjá, which is a gorge lying within the confines of the Þingvellir National Park. Here, you will witness the beauty of the Waterfall that is a must-visit tourist spot when you are in the Golden Circle trip. It’s been made more popular ever since the release of the popular serial Game of Thrones.

You can find the Secret lagoon in the village of Flúði. It is a thermal pool, and the steam rises from the natural hot springs. You can bathe in this pool as the Geysers erupt every fifth minute. There are locker facilities available to change into your swimming gear and bars with food.

The Northern Lights in February

A strange but natural phenomenon occurs sixty miles above Earth. The Earth’s atoms are consistently hit by the charged-up particles of the Sun. Photons are released in this chemical reaction and emit many colors in the dark. This display of colors is called ‘ Aurora’ and takes place between 5- 11 pm.

Equinox time in Iceland is the best time to spot these Northern lights. February is Equinox’s time in Iceland. The Dancing Aurora’s is popularly known as the one massive attraction to tourists in Iceland in February.

Events in February

Some many festivities and events take place in Iceland in February. A few of them are:

  • A Festival Called ‘The Winter Lights. ‘The theme behind the festival is celebrating all forms of lights and waiting for brighter days.
  • Valentine’s Day may not be appealing to the locals, but it’s the foreign tourists who celebrate by visiting romantic spots
  • Yet another music festival called ‘ Sonar Music ‘ showcases famous music artists and new talents in this music festival, which lasts three nights.
  • Bolludagar precedes Easter by six weeks and is known as bun day. The theme behind this festival is fun and straightforward. People should keep eating meatballs, cream-filled buns, and fish balls and not bother about the quantity.

If this was not enough, the Sprenguidagur Festival, which follows the Bolludagar, is the limit. You need to eat till you burst! And all that happens in Iceland in February.

February Daylight Tours of Iceland

From the first day of February till the last, six minutes of daylight is gained every day. So what about Daylight Tours in Iceland? Here are your options.

  • The Northern lights can be seen and enjoyed in February.
  • You can enjoy the Ice cave Tours with all those icicles with knife-like points hanging dangerously.
  • Explore the Blue Lagoon in Iceland during February that is more of a spa. It’s soothing to swim here and natural treatment.
  • Watch the Geysers shoot 100 ft into the air while enjoying bath in the hot springs
  • Travel north and enjoy a tour of Akureyri. Enjoy those colorful houses and sip a coffee at Hafnarsrtaeti, which is the Main Street of Akureyri.

The other places of interest sound are:

  • The Penis Museum, which is unique and has the most extensive collection of all marine and mammal animals’ phallus.
  • Art Museum of Iceland – The Reykjavik

Popular Museum of Iceland – National Museum

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is February the only month where we can spot the Northern Lights?

A: No. You can view it clearly between September and April, which includes February.

  • Can we view the Northern lights from any part of Iceland?

A: Yes, as long as you watch north. It is not only Iceland from where you can see the Northern Lights. Places that are close to the Arctic also get to witness this. Such countries include Northern Canada, Alaska, and some Scandinavian countries.

  •  What kind of clothes should one pack when traveling to Iceland in February?

A: The weather is expected to be cold and can go down to 2 degrees C. Here is the list:

  • Underwear should be thermal or wool only
  • Boots. Hiking boots preferred
  • Swimming gear
  • Lip balms
  • Sunglasses/ goggles
  • Thick padded socks
  • Gloves and scarves


A visit to Iceland is indeed a heartwarming experience. It is undoubtedly one of the most scenic places on this planet, and February is an ideal month to visit.

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Tuesday 29 December 2020

Best Places to Visit in January- The Traveller

Best Places to Visit in January


Do you want to start the New Year in splurge and endeavour by planning? Then planning for a trip at the beginning of the year will be a great start. Then, the best job you can do is to visit mesmerizing places with a tropical climate. A lot of attractive places are in the world that can allure your mind with the chilling scenic beauty of winter. Here, we have given the top seven best places to visit in January. To quench your wander thirst and find solitude in nature, don’t miss to visit these winter destinations.

List of Best Place to Visit in January

  1. NewYork City
  2. Los Angeles
  3. Cuba
  4. Phuket
  5. Cabo San Lucas
  6. Barcelona
  7. Honolulu

Best Places to Visit in January in Detail

To explore more about those places, check below.

  1. New York City: For mind alluring structures

This place usually draws smaller crowds in January compared to other peak times. But still, it attracts plenty of people with its excellent festive spirit that makes the city a winter wonderland. During the January month, here the temperature remains from 4°C to -3°C. Don’t forget to enjoy the beauty of Central Park covered in snow. Central Park offers the citizens of New York a much-needed green oasis.

Here, you can see the plethora of architectural marvels. The museums and Japanese sculptures exhibit medieval artwork. New York is exoteric as the shopping hub and the best gathering places for the gourmands. Concorde Hotel, CitizenM New York, LUMA Hotel are the most luxurious hotels in New York. Overall, it can be said that it is one of the best places to visit in January, USA.

  1. Los Angeles, California: Cinematic View of the city

During January, the average high and low temperatures of Los Angeles are 19°C and 9°C. Rugged mountains cover this city. You can get a halcyon feeling while enjoying the scenic beauty of the flowery hillsides, golden beaches beneath of calm blue sky. It is the home of Hollywood. In this film city, you can see the abundance of architectural works. If you make a trip to Los Angeles, don’t forget to visit these places: Universal Studios Hollywood, Disneyland Park, Hollywood Sign, Griffith Observatory. It’s the best places to travel in January 2020.

  1. Cuba: For Colorful and vibrant scenic beauty

It is one of the best places to visit in January for sun. The well-known destinations that you should definitely visit here are Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote. The warm and sunny days, along with very little rain, make the weather of Cuba unblemished. You can see the largest crowds on the South Coast beaches. The lush nature, forests, mountains make the scenario of this place mind-grabbing.

  1. Phuket: For Watersports and Nightlife

Phuket is one of the best places to travel in January 2021. You must explore the alluring water sports, golden beaches as well as the fantastic nightlife here. This enchanting scenario creates a romantic view for the newly married couples who come here for their honeymoon. Raya, Suay, La Gaetana— these are some famous restaurants here. The renowned tourist attractions of this prominent place are Old Phuket Town, Soi Bangla Road, Patong Beach, Koh Panyee, James Bond Island, and so on. You can do here jungle safari, scuba diving, water surfing, and snorkelling. The weather here varies from 23°C to 31°C. You can stay at Blu Monkey Hub and Hotel Phuket, Borbaboom Phuket Poshtel & Hostel and enjoy the nightlife.

  1. Cabo San Lucas: For sea beaches

You can reach this fascinating destination by just booking a 2.5-hour flight from Los Angeles. It is one of the best places to travel in January for warm weather. Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, and George Clooney are a few sybaritic hotels that can make your journey more entertained. Whereas if you want to enjoy romantic moments in a luxurious hotel, you can stay at Esperanza Resort. While visiting this winter destination, don’t miss to enjoy the sea-life by a glass-bottom boat tour. The unprecedented rock formation of the Arch of Cabo San Lucas will just mesmerize your mind. If you are excited to taste the fresh seafood, then add Medano Beach to your visiting list while tripping Cabo San Lucas.

  1. Barcelona, Spain: For the fantastic artwork

Barcelona is one of the best places to visit in January in Europe. The average high temperature of this place remains 15°C, whereas the average low temperature is 9°C. Barcelona, the capital of the Catalonia region of Spain, is situated near the Balearic Sea. Plenty of holy days are observed here during this time, such as the Three Kings Parade, Festa Dels Tres Tombs, Festa Major De Sant Antoni, etc. If you are looking for a cheap shopping hub in Barcelona, visit Mercat Del Encants. This place is exoteric for the impeccable and flawless architecture of Antoni Gaudi.

  1. Honolulu, Hawaii: Striking landscape and beaches

There are multiple warm places to visit in January USA. Among these places, this place is mostly known for the golden sea beaches. The long sand beaches, beautiful hostels make the location fascinating. Here, the temperature during January month remains 80˚F (26.7˚C). Therefore, you can enjoy swimming at this time. The largest natural harbour in Hawaii is Pearl Harbor. Diamond Head that is located at the eastern portion of Waikiki’s coastline, brings the historical essence.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which is the best place to go backpacking in January?

The best places to go for backpacking in January are as follows:-

  1. Nusa Penida – Indonesia
  2. Surat Thani – Thailand
  3. Maribor – Slovenia
  4. Hossegor – France
  5. Trondheim – Norway
  6. Kodaikanal – India
  7. Isfahan – Iran
  8. Nosara – Costa Rica
  9. Siargao Island – The Philippines
  10. Gijón – Spain
  11. Nassau – Bahamas
  12. Maputo – Mozambique
  13. Hà Giang – Vietnam
  14. Buenaventura – Colombia
  15. Liège – Belgium
  16. Trapani – Italy
  17. Pisac – Peru
  18. Raglan – New Zealand
  19. Portland (Maine) – USA
  20. Sendai – Japan

Suggest some best places to visit in India in January and February.

The lush green life and the chill weather make India an ideal place to explore in January. The places you can visit in India during this time are:-

  • Zanskar, Jammu And Kashmir.
  • Auli, Uttarakhand.
  • Delhi.
  • Jaipur, Rajasthan.
  • Kutch, Gujarat.
  • Diu, Daman And Diu.
  • Goa.
  • Munnar-Alleppey-Thekkady, Kerala.

The best places to visit in February are:-

  • Thekkady. Thekkady
  • Ranthambore. Ranthambore
  • Mumbai. Mumbai
  • Gopalpur. Gopalpur
  • Bangalore.
  • Shekhawati.
  • Ratnagiri.
  • Ludhiana.

Where is the warmest place in Europe in January?

The warmest place in Europe in January is Canary Island. In January, the temperature becomes around 12°C- 18°C (55°F – 65°F).

How hot is Greece in January?

Greece’s temperature goes maximum up to 13°C, and it becomes at 7°C during this month. So, the average temperature in Greece in January is 10°C. That’s why if you are planning to visit here, make sure that you have a lot of layers. Here the days usually remain cold yet mild. The highest recorded temperature in Athens, capital of Greece, in January is 21°C.

Is Spain hot in January?

Spain has both cold and damp temperatures in January. In the north part of the country, the weather is quite chilly, whereas there remains a warmer temperature in south Spain. If you want to make a trip to Spain during January, then you must pack warm coats. Besides, you can carry a rain jacket too.

Where should I go on a honeymoon in January?

Here, we have given you the top twenty places where you can go on a honeymoon in January. Let’s have a look at those places.

  1. Borneo, MalaysiaBora 
  2. Bora, French Polynesia
  3. Fiji Islands, South Pacific
  4. Philippines, South East Asia
  5. Guatemala, Central America
  6. Finland, Europe
  7. St Lucia, Caribbean
  8. Patagonia, South America
  9. Pacific Coast, Mexico
  10. Vienna, Austria
  11. Krabi, Thailand
  12. Swiss Alps, Switzerland
  13. Male, Maldives
  14. Da Lat Valley, Vietnam
  15. Abisko, Sweden
  16. Athens, Greece
  17. Budapest, Hungary
  18. Madrid, Spain
  19. Bali, Indonesia
  20. Amalfi Coast, Italy.

Is January a good time to visit India?

Yes. You should visit India between October and March to enjoy the striking scenic beauty. During the time, the weather remains warm, sunny, and dry. In north India, you can see the clear blue sky. In the higher Himalaya, the temperature remains freezing. But you can enjoy an awe-inspiring mountain view here.

Which are the best places for a honeymoon in January in India?

The best places for a honeymoon in India during January month are as follows:-

  1. Jaisalmer
  2. Goa
  3. Munnar
  4. Ooty
  5. Udaipur
  6. Andaman & Nicobar
  7. Daman & Diu
  8. Kullu & Manali
  9. Darjeeling

Where can I see the northern lights in January?


The places where you can see northern lights in January are:-

  1. Tromso, Norway
  2. Swedish Lapland.
  3. Reykjavik, Iceland.
  4. Yukon, Canada.
  5. Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland.
  6. Ilulissat, Greenland.

Where can I go for a beach vacation in January?

Here, we have listed the top 15 best places where you can go for a beach vacation in January.

  1. Kailua-Kona (Island of Hawaii, Hawaii)
  2. Pensacola Beach (Florida)
  3. Grand Cayman (Cayman Islands)
  4. Punta Gorda (Belize)
  5. St. Martin and St. Maarten
  6. Honolulu (Oahu, Hawaii)
  7. Los Cabos (Mexico)
  8. Bora Bora (French Polynesia)
  9. Aruba (Aruba)
  10. Byron Bay ( New South Wales, Australia)
  11. Turks and Caicos Islands
  12. Punta Cana ( Dominican Republic)
  13. Krabi ( Thailand)
  14. Muscat (Oman)
  15. St. Vincent and the Grenadines

What are the best places to visit in January?

The best places to visit in January are:-

  • British Virgin Islands.
  • Tulum.
  • Jasper National Park.
  • Costa Rica.
  • Miami.
  • Aspen.
  • Lima.
  • Vail.

What are the warmest places to visit in January?

We have given here the names of the warmest places according to temperature. Let’s have a look at the warm places to visit in January.

  1. Manaus (30 °C)
  2. Barbados (29.1 °C)
  3. Rio de Janeiro (29 °C)
  4. Sydney (27.4 °C)
  5. Cape Town (27 °C)
  6. Cape Verde (25.2 °C)
  7. Tenerife (21.1 °C)
  8. Playa Blanca (20.5 °C)

Where is a cheap place to vacation in January?

The cheap places to trip in January are as follows:-

  1. The Caribbean
  2. Cancun, Mexico
  3. Montego Bay, Jamaica
  4. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
  5. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
  6. Mexico City, Mexico
  7. Cartagena, Colombia
  8. Ambergris Caye, Belize
  9. Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  10. Lima, Peru
  11. Santiago, Chile
  12. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  13. Bariloche, Argentina
  14. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  15. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
  16. Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
  17. Cape Town, South Africa
  18. Goa, India
  19. Bangkok, Thailand
  20. Siem Reap, Cambodia
  21. Phuket, Thailand
  22. Boracay Island, Philippines
  23. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  24. Chiang Mai, Thailand
  25. Luang Prabang, Laos

Where should I travel in January 2020?

The best places to travel in January 2020 are as follows:-

  1. Phuket
  2. Bali
  3. Maldives
  4. Seychelles
  5. Dubai
  6. Sri Lanka
  7. Switzerland
  8. Bruges
  9. Cambodia
  10. Australia
  11. South Africa
  12. Costa Rica
  13. Nicaragua
  14. India
  15. Morocco
  16. New Zealand
  17. Kenya
  18. Barbados
  19. Hawaii
  20. Belize
  21. Site Laos
  22. Ethiopia
  23. Tanzania
  24. Vietnam
  25. Cartagena

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Thursday 5 November 2020

Iceland in December: Things to Know Before Your Visit

Iceland in December

Are you planning to visit Iceland in December month? If you want to enjoy the landscape of Iceland, then December will be the ideal month. During that time, the country gets adorned with snow. But not only the scenic beauty, but the month is also famous for awaking the festive spirit of the country. Christmas, New Eve’s festivals are some festivals that tempted people from different spheres of the globe to come here. A few famous places are there that you should definitely visit at least once. To enjoy your trip more thrilling and amusing, you can perform here Ice caving, Northern Lights hunting, and many more activities.

Reasons for Visiting Iceland in December:

The country has unpredictable weather. One can face rain, snow in a single day.

During this entire month, the sunlight remains almost four to five hours. This weather is perfect for photography. Capture the moments and create memories.

Fields of black lava covered full of snow, waterfalls in icy armour, blue ice caves, and the rugged and raw nature are some examples of the magical landscapes of the country that can allure your mind.

Things to do in Iceland during the December month

Horse Riding

Want to get in touch with nature while staying in the hotels or anywhere in the country? Horse riding is a way that can help you to keep in touch with nature. Now, you can tour the popular tourist spots by riding horses. Just get on an Icelandic horse and tour various spots. The time duration of your tour can be from one hour to nine-hour.


Reykjavik has a feeling of rural and urban culture that makes it the best shopping hub of this country. There are plenty of different boutique stores in Laugavegur, and the oldest handicraft shop is Thorvaldsens Bazar. Handknitting Association of Iceland, Nordic Store are the best places for visitors who are looking for shopping hubs.

Enjoy the snowmobile riding.

Snowmobiling on the glaciers is one of those things to do in Iceland that can definitely create a memorable moment for you. Tourists can spend almost an hour only by speeding on the ice. This activity allows visitors to enjoy a sightseeing adventure. Besides, you can enjoy Skiing here during December. The duration of the package depends on the local-tour you book.

Sooth your mind by attending Iceland music at Hapra

Attend the dazzling concert hall at Hapra if you are eager to listen to mind soothing music or want to make your mind refresh. Classic songs played by famous artists and bands can make your winter trip more splendid. The place is located at Austurbakki 2, 101 Reykjavík.

Enjoy the northern lights from the hotel Rangá

If you are looking for an experienced hotel in this country, then Hotel Ranga is the one that you should definitely select. This hotel permits the guests to have a comfy stay and to enjoy fine dining by the riverside. You can witness the enchanting scenery of the northern skylight also. The hotel also allows users to enjoy plenty of adventures. The location of the Hotel Ranga is Suðurlandsvegur, 851 Hella, Iceland.

Explore Ice Caves

One of the best things you can do once coming here is to explore the alluring beauty of ice caves. If you are willing to enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of Ice Caves of this nation, don’t miss a chance to make a trip to Jökulsárlón, Skaftafell Nature Reserve, Vatnajökull.

Lava Caving

If you want to visit lava caves, then any time of the year will be perfect. But we will recommend you to tour here during the winter month. During that time, the ice sculpture that will be formed can make your adventure thrilling.

The most exoteric caves that you can visit throughout the year are Leiðarendi located on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Víðgelmir situated in the Hallmundarhraun lava field, and Raufarhólshellir, located near Hveragerði.

If you want to enjoy a thrilling adventure, then you must visit Leiðarendi. The trip to this place can be a challenging one. You will find no lights or walkway inside here. You need to crawl and clamber inside the cave. Even the entrance portion sometimes remains blocked by the snow during the winter. If you are uncomfortable with tight spaces, we will recommend you to avoid Leiðarendi. In that case, you may trip to Víðgelmir or Raufarhólshellir. You will find the entrances of both of these places wide.

Places to Visit in Iceland in December

Gullfoss waterfall

In Southwest Iceland, you will find this waterfall. The splendid view of the golden water against the mountains will just soothe your mind. Having hot soups at the cafes in this area can make your journey a magical one. You can enjoy the spellbound view of this place at any time of the day. This breathtaking place remains open for 24 hours. The waterfall is located near the White River in Blaskogabyggd 801.


It is one of the best places for food lovers. You can get here multiple choices for eating and drinking. Grilled meats, fishes, and vegetables, some sizzling cocktails are such foods that are exact for lifting your mood up. Here, you can experience the nightlife in the city. The opening and closing time here is 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday. And on the weekends, (Saturday and Sunday), the Grillmarkadurinn remains open from 5:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

South coast

Want to travel to all the mind grabbing places in Iceland? Then, take the route of the Golden Circle and reach the South Coast. While going through this route, you will be able to enjoy the enchanting view of a few famous landmarks of Iceland. For example, the way covers Thingvellir National Park, the geysers, Gullfoss Waterfall, and many other places.

The icebergs of Jökulsárlón

It is not a joke to drive a dip in the pool in the winter season. However, local people can easily take a dip bath in this snow-covered nation. During these days, visitors can enjoy the view of the Golden Circle, the South Coast, Jökulsárlón, the Snæfellsnes Peninsula. The package also gives you a chance to explore Reykjavík throughout a free day. Or you can travel to Akureyri and therefore enjoy the sites around Lake Mývatn.

Festivals and Events in Iceland during December

Ingólfstorg Ice-Skating Rink: December 1 / Reykjavik — 

To spend holidays with families, friends, couples, and to have fun, you should definitely attend this event. NOVA mobile company used to arrange this event next to the Christmas Market at Ingólfstorg. Just take your skates and go to the “Christmas Ice Skating plaza” that is right in the centre of Reykjavik. It is a perfect start to kick off December.

Yule Lads Bath:( December 7 at Mývatn) —

When you visit here, you can be a witness of 13 Yule Lads. You can have fun with Yule Lads by attending their annual bath. People of all ages can spend a memorable moment with these merry men.

Imagine Peace Tower Lighting: (December 21 at the Viðey Island )—

Yoko Ono created the Imagine Peace Tower, an outdoor art display dedicated to John Lennon. Yoko used to travel the Icelandic island of Videy every year for lighting the art installation on the birthday of the late musician. People celebrate this event on December 21.

Christmas: (December 24-25 ) —

During this event, people usually greet “Gleðileg jól!” each other. This festival usually begins on the fourth Sunday before the Christmas Eve festival. At this time, one can see many Christmas trees across the country. Tourists can visit the Christmas markets, festive museums, tours, and restaurants across the country.

New Year’s Eve: (December 31 throughout Iceland)

In this event, you can experience lightened streets in Reykjavík. Bb322. Most of the people celebrate it on December 31. You can experience booming fireworks displays and party throughout the night. During the winter season in this country, the temperature remains between -1° and 4°C (34°F and 39°F). You can enjoy the snowfall in December when you visit the country and stay here for a few days. The climate of the capital of this nation is warmer than the other parts of the country. The country remains covered with snow between January and April.

Things you need to know before visiting Iceland in December

Iceland’s Weather in December

When you visit here, you may experience snow, sleet, or rain all on the same day. However, this month is not the coldest one as January is occupying the leading position. But the temperature of the place still varies between -1° and 4°C (34°F and 39°F).

During the whole month, you can’t get sunlight for more than a few hours per day. And it will continue until the winter solstice on December 22. It is known as the shortest day of the year. In this time, the time duration of the daylight is only four hours from 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Visitors should not miss the marvellous sky views of Iceland during the winter season, as the Northern Lights fill the sky by creating an enchanting ambience.

Driving in Iceland

Do you have any plans to enjoy the landscape of the country travelling by car? If you have any, then you can rent a four-wheeler car for your trip. This car journey will be perfect for visiting the mesmerizing places of the capital and the rest part of the country. However, if you want, you can book a guided winter package. It will cover most of the cities of this nation. Those who want to drive car themselves can select self-drive winter packages.

But in this case, the vital thing is that you have to know each route of the country properly. However, Self-driving is never be recommended for any tourists. Locals used to drive in those areas, and therefore they can give you much better knowledge regarding the routes than you have.

Spend Romantic moments in Iceland

This month is very famous for romantic getaways. The nation has the festive spirit, a sprinkling of snow, Northern Lights, and a wide variety of tours that are enough to make it an amorous winter wonderland. Iceland is a lovely nation for couples who want to spend romantic moments.

Outfits to Carry While Travelling Iceland in December Month

December is the exact time to make a trip to this nation. That’s why you need to pack warm clothes in your bag to keep yourself warm during this shivering weather. What you need to do is layering up yourself properly with warm clothing and enjoy the snowy weather. You should carry Waterproof gloves, a hat, and a scarf in your bag. Don’t forget to pack thick sweaters that are made with wool or fleece. As well as, make sure that you have packed thermal undergarments, Waterproof and windproof parka, and warm clothes, Swimsuit, Polarized sunglasses, besides, you also require sturdy hiking boots.

Tours in Iceland during December

Ice Caving Tour to the Crystal Ice Cave

Do you want to experiment with an ice cave adventure? Then, enjoy the view of the ice floes at Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon first. This tour starts from the exoteric place icy lagoon. Vatnajökull Glacier is the largest glacier in Europe. Explore the beauty and breathtaking views of the giant crystal cave.

Magical Auroras of Northern Lights Tour

While visiting this tour, you will find the nights shining brightly with the Northern Lights. During December month, the night becomes longer. Watch the green solar show sitting under the night sky and enjoy the pleasant weather.

Apart from this, what you can do is to join any tour groups to travel to the Southern Peninsula.

3-Day your of Jokulsarlon, Golden Circle and Ice Caving place

When it comes to tour, the stunning South Coast of Iceland allows the tourists to witness the alluring views of this nation. It is a three-day road trip. During this trip, you are willing to be the witness the imposing landscape of Þingvellir National Park, Gullfoss Waterfall, and the Geysir Geothermal Area.

You can visit the icy landscapes of the Skaftafell Wilderness Area, explore deep blue ice caves, and many more places.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. How many hours of daylight remain in Iceland during the December month?

During this time, the day time becomes shorter. As the latitude of this nation is high, there prevails less light and short days during the winter season. You can get light for a maximum of 5 hours during the wintertime. You can enjoy the view of the sun rising around 11 a.m. Whereas the sun sets between 3 and 4 p.m.

Q. How many days will it require to enjoy a complete trip to Iceland?

A full drive will take almost one day. If you want to cover the main places in this country, it will take 7-8 days. To explore all the tourist spots in Iceland and Reykjavik, we will recommend you not to plan for a short trip that will take less than 7-8 days.

Q. Can I watch the Northern lights in Iceland during winter?

Northern lights can be seen only the sky gets dark. Therefore, in December month, you can see the lights from 3 p.m. afternoon to 9 a.m. morning.

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Tuesday 3 November 2020

Spiritual Pilgrimage (Fulfillment of Vows)

Spiritual Pilgrimage

For a peaceful mind people want to go somewhere where it is very quiet or visit some religious places to fulfill their vows. There are many types of pilgrimage places for all different types of caste like the Buddhist, Sikhs, Muslims, Catholic and Hindus.

Some of the famous spiritual pilgrimage places are as follows:

Spiritual Pilgrimage for Hindus:


Here is some few detail information of some places.


Amarnath is a famous centre for Hindus. Every year thousands of devotees come here to visit before Shiva in one of his famous abodes. Here Shiva in the form of a lingam is formed naturally of an ice stalagmite.

To reach Amarnath one can go by Air where Srinagar airport is closest. Jammu is nearest railway station, and by road Jammu and Srinagar are connected.


Rishikesh is situated in Dehradun District of Uttarkhand in India. Rishikesh is known as a gateway to the Char Dham, which means it is four holy temples located on the hills. Thousands of people visit Rishikesh for spiritual relief, peace and also takes a dip in the river Ganga for salvation. It is also known to practice yoga since it is a peaceful location, so it is believed that by concentrating in deep thoughts we get Moksha which means freedom from the cycle and rebirth.

To reach Rishikesh these are the routes:

By Air: Jolly Grant airport in Dehradun is close to Rishikesh.

By Train: There are services from Delhi-Haridwar-Rishikesh.

By Road: There are direct buses from Delhi to Rishikesh.

Spiritual Pilgrimage for Muslims


Here is some of the information of some few places mentioned above.


Mecca is the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad. It is situated on Sirat Mountains in Saudi Arabia and from Red Sea Port of Jeddah. Mecca is one of the five pillars of Islam. Each and every Muslim would like to pay homage to the sacred city of Islam. People who can afford going to Mecca for the Hajj should only go. It is not compulsory to go if you are facing any financial hardships.

To reach Mecca people fly to Jeddah and then take a bus to Mecca.


Jama Masjid is situated in the old city of Delhi on top of a large hill. It is the largest mosque in India.


Haji Ali Dargah is one of the Muslims most religious places in Mumbai. People of different caste come and pays a visit to this mosque. Something fascinating is that it is built in the middle of the Arabian Sea. Pilgrims have to cross the path surrounded by water on all sides, here the tomb of Saint Pir Haji Ali Shah Bukhari is kept. So people come and pray for fulfilling their wishing by taking the blessings of this saint. 

Spiritual Pilgrimage for Christians

Holy Land, St Peter’s Basilica At Rome, Lourdes At France Etc.


Holy Land is the place where Jesus Christ was born first, then he was tortoured for forty days and then crucified on the cross. So all these places where Jesus Christ was present is kept preserved till date so people from all over the world pay homage to all the blessed places. ST PETER’S BASILICA:

It is one of the famous pilgrimage sites in the world. Here St. Peter who was the disciple of Jesus was also crucified and then buried here. Here the Pope is the head of the entire priest and nuns who reside in this Vatican City he is also called Papacy.


This is the place where Mother Mary appeared to the three children, and because of this appearance the small town in France changed forever. Lourdes then became a shrine where people came for healing, then water also collected from this shrine also bought healing to the people.

So do come and experience the healing touch of all the spiritual pilgrimage places.

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Thursday 29 October 2020

Greece in December: Best Things to Do

Greece in December
The trip will remain incomplete if you don’t enjoy the postcard-perfect islands, scorching heat of summer, stunning stretches of sandy coastline.

Do you want to be the witness of the glorified historical places of this country? Or willing to swap your sundresses for comfy layers? Then you fall in love with the enchanting beauty of Greece in December month. Create is one of the warmest locations in Greece. The average temperature of this place is 62°F.

During the December month, there are few places in Greece having too much humidity whereas there remains mild weather in some of the sites. You can’t get warm weather in any city in entire Greece. But you can enjoy the ruins and beautiful islands and coastline.

Besides, when you make a trip to Greece in December, you will get additional benefits. For example, you can enjoy the full week of the Christmas season and New Year Eve here. 

December Weather in Greece 

The temperature of Greece varies from city to city. The average temperature of Greece in December is 14°C maximum whereas the average minimum temperature is 6°C. Crete and Rhodes are a few examples of the islands. You can do skiing while making a trip to the mountains. December month is also known as a rainy month. And that’s why it is not an ideal month to visit the Greek beaches. But compared to other nations in Northern Europe, in Greece, the temperature remains mild and comfortable. 

What to Pack 

Whether thou are planning to make a trip to the mountains, then pack heavy winter gear. Make sure that you are packing long pants, sweaters, and warm jackets. Always remember to carry a woollen scarf and hat to protect yourself from the shivering of cold nights. 

December Events in Greece 

Compared to other European countries, Greece’s celebration is more solemn and grandiloquent. In December, Greeks indulge themselves in Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve celebration.

Feast of St. Nicholas: On December 6, every year, people used to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas. This ceremony is celebrated in remembrance of St. Nicholas. People know him as one of the patron saints of sailors.

Kladaries: On December 23 every year, people used to celebrate the festival Kladaries. The shepherds enjoy this festival every year by feasting. In addition, they also dance around bonfires. This festival is celebrated in the village of Siatista, Macedonia.

Christmas Day: Christmas Day festival is the one that ranks second in the Greek Orthodox calendar. Every year on December 25, People used to celebrate the Christmas festival. Each town of this nation rejuvenates with incredible traditional decorations every year on this day.

New Year’s Eve: In the New Year’s Eve festival, the Greeks rejoice themselves by decorating their homes, and having palatable dishes. In that festive time, here you can see small kids playing on the streets, people amazed in parties, etc. 

What to explore in this nation? 

You can explore Athens and other main historical venues. In addition to this, you can see the Acropolis, museums and archaeological sites. Greece has a wild side also that remains full of lush and green in December. It allows you to explore the gorges and stone villages of Zagori.

When it comes to exploring the islands, you must visit Aegean. Ferry services are available on the island.

Crete island is the bridge of all cultural sites and great culinary adventures. You can experience different winter activities, like hiking and biking. 

What to Do in December 

You can enjoy Athens in December months instead of spending time on beaches on the sunniest day. In Athens, the Christmas week is celebrated fabulously. If you want a hot-air balloon ride, then you only need to warm up yourself with mountain biking at Meteora. Do you love skiing? Then, choose the ski resorts of Mt. Parnassos. These resorts remain open for skiing and soaking in thermal springs. You can get indulgent spa treatments near Pella in Macedonia. 


Island Hopping in Greece 

Greece is adorned with a few amazing Islands like Crete, Corfu and Lesvos. These islands act as bridges between the villages to mountain churches and windswept sea coast. And it is also adorned with small islands like Hydra. 


Ancient Sites 


Winter is the ideal time to visit Greece in December. Here, you will find here the most iconic ancient site and the major foundations of western civilization. You can see here the exoteric sites that have ranges from Athens, Acropolis and Ancient Agora to Delphi. 

Best places to visit in Greece in December: 

1. Zagori- This place is ideal for nature lovers, hikers, etc.

2. Arachova: Nature lovers, skiers, will prefer this place.

3. Kalavryta: It is perfect for skiers, nature lovers, family.

4. Meteora: People who love to explore historical bluffs and religious tourist places, can select it.

5. TZOUMERKA: It is ideal for those who want to showcase their new snow boots.

6. Metsovo: Nature Lovers, food lovers, classy folks love to spend time here.

7. THE MOUNTAINS OF CORINTH: It is a perfect for those who have the hunger to explore new places.

8. LOUTRAKI PELLA: People who love to enjoy hot waters of the natural thermal spring can visit there. Ski resort are there in Kaimaktsalan and Loutraki village.

9. Zagorochoria: People can do hiking, river rafting, skiing, camping, trekking, at Aoös National Park, Vikos Gorge, the Lake Ioannina, Pindus National Park.

10. Thessaloniki: You can walk through at Aristotelous Square, and be able to explore the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, travel to the Arch of Galerius and Rotunda.

11. THE MOUNTAINS OF ARCADIA: If you want to feel the heart-warming stroke of nature, and then you should visit this place. The mountains of Arcadia are named according to a poet’s name. The scenic beauty of the location attracts the Greek tourists, and as well as international travellers who come here to enjoy the landscape of the villages around the mountain of Mainalos.

12. Pelion: Here, you can explore the awesome flora in Tsagarada, enjoy the Sun on beaches, and trace the history of Centaurs. The peninsula has a jungle-like mountain slopes. It is a perfect place for spending time with family.

Conclusion: If you want to feel the snowy weather of Greece, then you should plan for a trip in December month.

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